From Kirkcudbright turn left at main crossroads (Royal Hotel on corner) Drive up hill past Tesco on right. Cont left on to B727 Dalbeattie road. Road winds for 3miles , sharp left passed graveyard, sharp right at Wildlife Park. Do NOT turn off road. You will pass a right turn to Auchencairn after 3 miles. We are the farm track 200mts approx on the left after the turn. Rock by road with white S on Kbt side, white Stockarton on track side, also signposted “Footpath”.
Turn on to this unmade road, unfenced with cows on track April –Oct, over cattle grid.
300 mts on left is The Waterhouse, second set of gates for main off road parking.
Unless we meet you at gates proceed to our cottage 100 mts above The Waterhouse on left. Door by track, to get us to let you in. This is the FIRST COTTAGE. Turning point just before second cattle grid. DO NOT CROSS CATTLE GRID AND GO TO MAIN FARM HOUSE or turn left to Jocks Cottage.
If you use Castle Douglas route, turn left at Clock tower crossroads,drive over next crossroads towards Dalbeattie and Gelston. After 1 mile turn right at T junction signposted Kirkcudbright, drive through Gelston ,cont for 5 miles approx passed Little Sypland farm ,metal fenced with landscaped gardens. We are half mile on right (as above).
SAT>NAV co-ordinates –N 54’.51’. 32.3” W 3’.59’. 35.5”